summer- parkisons
1 million peopoel have in the us/ effect the nerves in your head/ symptoms tremor in her hands/ no cure to this ilness/
talks about drinking whats the problems how do you feel when you drink/ 18 years old are the most that drink every day/ 12460 die every year.
Samantha- smoking ciggarest
they put rat poisin on theme theres 85 that smoke in high school/ effect canser/stroke/heart disises/ lung cancer.
jonnathan life esteem
dealing with people that cause you problems/depression could be bad for someone/
mind controls everything emotions nerves and many more/
mathew g- drug abused
tabacco most distractable in america causes lung cancer have million peoeple die in america/ alchol vilonce make people angry also deppression/ cocain could die with one tikme yo try it extremly addicted.
prospero-mind and body health
strees leads to suicicde and depression
balnces diffrent types of excircise learn how to breath correctly.